

Independent Playwright/Actor/Director · Ages 18+ · 1hr

one person show world premiere

About the Show

This show is now streaming on VIMEO On Demand! Please follow this link to rent and view!

Anna, a struggling mother battling unresolved trauma, mental health, and a difficult family life, fights to retain her resilience every day. After so many years, it has begun to wane. In an attempt to put the pieces of her scattered life back together again, Anna starts a monthly virtual diary on her computer. These conversations with herself allow for a sense of rehabilitation; mending the tears in her psyche left by the trials of her past. However, with each entry, more challenges appear in the present. Her marriage strains, her mental health fluctuates, and her relationship with her beloved son, Laurie, becomes ever harder to conserve. Anna slowly finds that the past is only a part of the puzzle when it comes to recovery. In order to move forward, the past must be accepted and the present must be lived in. For nothing is more precious than time. Anna seeks to pose the question, “How can we move on? And how should we?”

Theatre requires proof of vaccination or masks to be worn during performance.

Production Team
