What really goes on in a hospital? 250,000 deaths due to medical errors. Hear how to protect yourself when you’re sick. Charley, a mature registered nurse, edutains through tunes and tales about what happens in a hospital and with the patients she has taken care of over the course of her career. Now Charley is wanting to retire, but she can’t. Life did not go according to plan. If she had it to do all over again would she be a nurse? Not wanting to be a nurse in the first place, she longed to be an entertainer. Her story of her constant yearning to dance, sing and entertain, has moments of personal victory, but she always remains in financial survival mode. Charley has always managed to advocate for her patients, but struggles to advocate for herself. You will discover a view of health care behind the scenes and see what happens to this frustrated nurse.
Nursing is too computerized,understaffed,unsafe assignments, high acuity and ratios, overpaid and bloated administration only interested in business. Administration with no patient care experience more interested in computer documentation, leaving nurses no time to do many of the things we are documenting that we did.
“A funny poignant show and Charley Karlotta is wondeful” and "I was shocked at how difficult a job (nursing) is. It is like everyday is “The Hunger Games” but with none of the accolades and more monsters". Samantha Simmons-Ronceros, NoHo Arts
Charley performed at the Hollywood Fringe Festival last summer and the Soaring Solo Star Series at the Hudson Theater in Hollywood.